Debugging Functions in IEC

EIEC or Enhanced IEC requires a license. See Enhanced IEC 61131 Guide for more details.


Debugging your Program

Data Watch Data watch in Cscape provides the capability to monitor, in real-time, the status of registers/variables in a controller.
Debug Windows in Enhanced IEC A breakpoint is an intentional stop marked in the code of an application where execution pauses for debugging.
Chart Recorder This feature allows Data to be sampled from a target controller and to be plotted over time.
Clear the Memory This clears (erases) the selected memory items of the attached unit.
Debug and Monitor Cscape provides a built-in Ladder Logic Debugger. This option provides a live, real-time indication of the operation of the controller.
Diagnostics Procedure Diagnostics in Cscape provides the capability to monitor the errors and warnings of the controller. This dialog displays the result of the diagnostic self-test in the target unit.
Online Change in EIEC* Online change is the ability to modify the executing control logic while the controller is in RUN mode. Requires Enhanced IEC License.
Remote Terminal The Remote Terminal display provides a real-time display of the selected controller type. This feature is currently only available on controllers with 2-color displays, i.e. XLE /XLT and X2.
Debug Simulation in Enhanced IEC* The Simulator function is similar to Debugging, but logic is evaluated within Cscape, and OCS is not needed
Status Status in Cscape provides the capability to monitor real-time status of a controller. This is valuable for viewing controller name, controller mode, controller scan rate, firmware versions details etc., in run time.