Clear the Memory

See also: Debugging Functions in Advanced Ladder

See also: Debugging Functions in IEC


Topic Menu


Clear the Memory Overview

This clears (erases) the selected memory items of the attached unit.

Debug > Clear Memory

Debug Advanced Ladder

Debug IEC

Clear Memory Procedure

The function Clear Memory will get enabled if Cscape is connected with the controller. To clear a controller's memory, first select the controller as the target, then select Debug>Clear Memory from the Toolbar. The Clear Memory dialog appears as below:

The network ID at the top of the box specifies which controller will have its memory cleared.

Select the memory areas to be cleared:

  • User Program -- Clears out the User Program memory area.
  • Configuration (Network and I/O) - Clears out the Configuration of the network and I/O areas.
  • Registers - Clears out all registers/variables.

Select the Memory area to clear and press OK, below warning message will pop-up:

Controller will go to STOP mode to clear the selected Memory area.

Note: On clearing “User Program “Ladder logic will get cleared; program has to be downloaded again for the logic part to work. IP address, Network ID and Screens will not be cleared.

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