Read for RM Structure in Advanced Ladder

See also: Removable Media in Advanced Ladder

See also: Project Toolbox for Advanced Ladder


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Using Structures with Variable-Based Advanced Ladder

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From Cscape 9.90 SP3 and firmware 15.40 onwards, RM Structure has been supported in variable based advanced ladder editor.

Note: For Variable-Based Advanced Ladder, see: Variable Based Advanced Ladder


A structure is a complex data type defined as a set of members. Members of a structure may have various data types. A member of a structure may have dimensions or may be an instance of another structure. When a structure is defined, it may be used as other data types to declare variables.

Members of a structure may have an initial value. In that case, corresponding members of all declared variable having this structure type will be initialized with the initial value of the member.

For specifying a member of a structured variable in languages, use the following notation:



  • If a member of a structure is an instance of another structure, the nested structure must be declared BEFORE in the list.

  • User cannot declare arrays of structures.

Defining Structures

To create a new type of data structure, right-click on the program variables window and select Add Structure. Each structure is represented as a group in the window. Enter the members of the structure in its group in the same way as variables are entered in another group. New data structures are created with default name. Use right-click option "Rename' to change its name. An instance of the structure can be created within another structure if the structure is already defined.

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Read RM Structure*

*Only available in Variable-Based Advanced Ladder. See: Variable Based Advanced Ladder

Also calledRead Data File csv. This Instruction allows reading a CSV, XML and BIN file from the Removable Media interface into Structure Data.

This Instruction allows reading a CSV, XML and BIN file from the Removable Media interface into Structure Data.

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