Filename Counters

See also: User Interface


Filename Counters is a utility for use in naming Removable Media files. There are four available Filename Counters that can be separately configured.

Project Navigator > User Interface [right-click]> Configure > File Counters

For Advanced ladder Logic

For Variable Based Advanced Ladder and IEC61131 Editors

Each filename counter has a 32-bit register/array element associated with it and options to determine how it will function.

  • Max: This is the maximum number the counter will automatically increment to this max value when Auto Increment is checked, (default 99999999).

  • Auto Increment: With this feature checked, the counter will automatically increment itself by a count of one each time it is accessed up to and including the Max. value.

  • Wrap Counter: This feature causes the counter to start over at 0 when the maximum value is exceeded. If the wrap counter feature is not checked and the counter reaches the maximum value, the counter will no longer automatically increment, and the value will remain at the maximum setting.

Accessing the Filename Counters: The filename counters can be accessed wherever Removable Media functions require a path name. Though added mainly for screen capture usage, they may also be used for Removable Media Read/Write/Rename/Delete function blocks if the need exists. Similar to the usage of the date and time symbols, for filename counter the format is as follows:

$[counter number]u[# of digits, 1-8]

For example, using counter 1 for a screen capture, if the counter has a Max value of 59, the current value is 35 and the Auto Increment is checked:

$1u4 = 0035

The next time the screen is captured, the value will be 0036, then 0037, etc. This can be implemented into the filename as follows: Current date and time: March 1, 2020 3:45:34 PM, Counter 3 Auto Incrementing, Max of 59, currently at 58, Wrap turned ON.

Filename: Captures\Chan3\$M-$D-$Y\$h$m-$3u2.bmp = Captures\Chan3\03-01-20\1545-58.bmp

Next screen capture (assuming same time and date) = Captures\Chan3\03-01-20\1545-59.bmp

Next screen capture (assuming same time and date) = Captures\Chan3\03-01-20\1545-00.bmp.

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